Regional Land Transport Plan
Closed 28 February 2021
How do you see our transport system in the future?
We’re asking Hawke’s Bay locals to tell us what you want to see for our transport in the future. We are asking for feedback by 28 February 2021.
This is for the Regional Land Transport Plan, which is the region’s view of where to invest for the best outcomes in Hawke's Bay. It is an important step in building strong, evidence-based projects and programmes for investment locally and regionally.
In this Plan we’re focusing on three major outcomes:
• Reducing deaths and serious injuries on Hawke's Bay roads by 40% by 2030
• Making our transport system more sustainable and creating a healthier community
• Having reliable and predictable travel times for freight
Why is this important?
Any death or serious injury on Hawke's Bay roads is one too many. We want to get that number down by 40% in ten years, but we need your backing and help to get there.
Our community needs healthier and more sustainable transport options that are accessible and easy to use. By getting more people out of their cars, on the bus, biking, or walking will make our community healthier, go a long way to help us tackle climate change, and provide a better future for our tamariki.
We also want our freight to be able to move around the region efficiently and reliably, and for our transport network to be able to handle the movement of all the fruit, logs, meat and everything else that is vital to the well-being and economic prosperity of our region.
We want to know what you think – it's our future.
What’s this for?
This Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) has been prepared by the Regional Council alongside Napier City, Hastings District, Wairoa District and Central Hawke's Bay District councils and Waka Kotahi – the NZ Transport Agency.
These organisations promote transport priorities through the RLTP while securing local funding through their annual and long-term plans. These projects are prioritised in the regional plan, and then prioritised nationally by Waka Kotahi.
The plan ensures funding is available for maintenance of existing transport systems and programme and provides investment for a range of local improvement programme.
What does the plan focus on?
We want to know what you think about the draft Plan and our three goals for the next ten years.
Deaths and serious injuries shouldn’t be a cost of travelling. We want to focus on making our transport network safer for everyone who uses it - cyclists, pedestrians and vehicle users – reflecting the national Road to Zero transport strategy.
To get there we’re planning:
• Road safety measures (e.g. improved intersections, highway safety improvements and upgrades to the cycling network)
• Road safe education and improving access to driver licensing and training
• Working alongside NZ Police.
We want to improve the choices people have when it comes from getting to A to B, and make sure that all the options are safe and attractive. This would support a healthier community, and a more sustainable transport system – a big win when it comes to tackling climate change.
To get there, we’re planning:
• Making active transport (e.g. biking or walking) a safer option by improving the road and cycle network, and through education with the Road Safe Hawke’s Bay programme, with a particular focus on school children travelling to school
• Improving and extending the cycling iWay network in Napier and Hastings
• Increasing the use of public transport by ensuring it better meets the needs of people. One way is by trialing replacement of buses in Hastings with an on-demand public transport service, which will also be rolled out in Napier if successful.
• Maintaining and extending the Hawkes Bay Trails network
We want a network that supports reliable and predictable freight.
To get there, we’re planning to:
• Manage the road network to ensure the key freight routes continues to operate according to the current levels of service
• Invest in the transport network to maintain and upgrade where necessary
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